How do I accept payment on Gumtree?
You can accept payment on Gumtree by sending an e-mail to
( or calling 021-886 7055 if you have a question. Accepting payment on Gumtree will
allow buyers to pay for items they may have never purchased, while keeping all the other financial obligations in place.
You’re responsible for paying the full purchase price you paid for the item, including shipping and taxes. If you’re receiving a payment request for the same
item from multiple addresses, you may receive a larger payment request for the same item than if you’d received the item separately.
This protects you from having a dispute over the value of the item, but raises a number of ‘very real”–
crisis––sneaking––hitting the wall–– and eventually–
scammers might use this as a weapon against legitimate buyers, but it’s not a guarantee. If you use Gumtree to buy something on eBay, for example, you may end up with a
large sum owing to a scammer.
A large sum like that, in my experience, is safer than a small one like that.
How do I accept payment on Gumtree?
You are responsible for paying the seller the full purchase price you paid for the item, including import and customs duty as well as any applicable VAT. If the seller does not accept your payment, you continue to be responsible for paying the seller if necessary.
However, if the seller fails to pay you within 30 days of the date you received the payment, you are not responsible for the full purchase price you paid the previous time.
Note: If the item is not yours, you are not responsible for paying the full purchase price you paid the previous time. The seller is not responsible for notifying you of the possibility of customs duty being applied on the item.
If I don’t need to pay the full asking price for something, but want to pay the seller a fee for it (e.g. as a gift), or if it’s a problem with my bank account:
If you don’t already have an account in-house, simply go to “Gumtree“ and create an account. You will be prompted to enter the bank account you have at the time of payment and will have to provide personal details. You will also be able to choose whether to pay by check or money order.
You are responsible for paying the full purchase price you paid for the item, including import duties and customs duty as well as any applicable import and customs duty. When selling or buying a used or new car, you are dealing with a private individual and your buyer is not a stranger to being asked to pay a collector’s commission. If you are selling or buying a used car you are dealing with a national security organization you are probably not the only one.